
Brokers give up vacation reward to help wounded vets


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Wounded American servicemen and women are enjoying a deluxe resort getaway this weekend thanks to brokers who gave up their own chance to celebrate.

Earlier this year, CB Richard Ellis canceled its annual junket to reward top producers at the commercial real estate brokerage. The company was taking a big financial hit in the moribund real estate market and many Americans were still fuming about insurance giant AIG hosting a spa retreat at an Orange County resort after receiving bail-out money from taxpayers. In that austere climate, CB officials decided that it would be imprudent to go forward with their planned event and decided instead to create a charity program.


Employees who would have attended the company-funded getaway at a premier beach and golf resort in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, selected 50 charities that would receive more that 200 certificates good for a three-night stay, $500 worth of food and beverages and two spa treatments at the Hilton Cabo San Lucas.

The Wounded Warrior Project, which helps severely wounded service members make the transition to civilian life, received 100 certificates that recipients are redeeming this weekend.

‘Our company has been privileged with notable success over the years,’ said CB executive Chris Ludeman. ‘Out of this success, we are eager to give back to these vital organizations that do so much to serve our communities.’

--Roger Vincent
