
Kelvim Escobar takes another step toward return


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TEMPE, Ariz. -- Kelvim Escobar took another significant step in his return from shoulder surgery Friday, throwing 20-25 pitches off a mound to a catcher who was about 55 feet -- instead of the normal 60 feet -- away.

Escobar (pictured at left in 2007), who missed the entire 2008 season because of a shoulder tear, was not expected to return until around the All-Star break, but if the veteran right-hander continues to progress as he has this spring, he could return in May.


‘He turned it loose and was outstanding,’ Manager Mike Scioscia said. ‘He’s certainly passing some of theseearly hurdles. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that he keeps maintaining his progress. He should be ready to go before the earlier part of the window we were given after the surgery.

-- Mike DiGiovanna
