
Andrew Kamenetzky: Manny Ramirez, Casey Blake bobbleheads alert


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In today’s lean economic times, every day is an exercise in deciding when, where and how you should spend your hard-earned dollars. And for Dodger fans desiring to see their beloved Blue in person, plunking down cheddar for tickets is no exception. Unless you can afford to spend like Krusty the Clown (and without either getting into trouble with mob or opening a clown college), spots must be picked.

Thus, I’m gonna pass along a tip that not only helps create a wise choice, but also is one that actually gives back a little. If you’re able to attend just two contests at the Ravine in ‘09, hit the games on May 20 against the New York Mets and July 22 against the Cincinnati Reds. Why? Because on the former date, you get a Casey Blake bobblehead and on the latter, a bobble bearing the likeness of Manny Ramirez. Ceramic beards and dreadlocks, people!

Believe me, you’ll be the envy of friends, enemies and the most casual of acquaintances. I’ve got Joes Beimel and Torre from last season in my living room, and more than a few folks thought they were the bees’ knees. There’s just something about inexpensively manufactured figurines that tickles our nation’s collective fancy. I’m guessing it’s the adorable and continually moving heads. Or them being ‘free.’ Just make sure you’re among the first 50,000 at the the park. It’s a bummer to be 50,001 with nothing in hand but a ticket stub.


If a third game is within the budget, there will also be a third bobblehead given out on Aug. 19 in the game against the St. Louis Cardinals, with a player apparently yet to be selected. The second I finish typing this, it’s all about the campaign for Mark Loretta.
