
Oh my (Chris) Bosh: Unleashing a twitter frenzy


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When you have 96,000-plus followers on Twitter . . . throwing out a provocative line or two is like tossing a lighted match on a pile of kindling.

(Or old newspapers.)

On Friday afternoon, a prominent NBA player had a question for his group of followers.

‘Been wanting to ask. Where should I go next season and why?


Why bother waiting until July 1? Silly, arbitrary date anyway. The author of the tweet happened to be the Raptors’ Chris Bosh, who will be one of the marquee free agents this summer.

Incredibly, Twitter did not collapse under the weight of frenzied responses to Bosh, seemingly dominated by tweeps from Houston and Chicago. And yes, a few Lakers fans.

Less than an hour later, Bosh spoke again:

‘Ok ... Let me rephrase the question. Should I stay or should I go?’

Never knew Bosh was a Clash fan.

The summer of 2010 has started. So what if it is a few weeks early?

--Lisa Dillman
