
Baseball: Viewpoint defeats Avalon in Division VII semifinal


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It might have taken Viewpoint a couple of games to win its Southern Section-Toyota Division VII semifinal showdown against Avalon, but the Patriots finally did Thursday. They defeated the Lancers, 6-3, at Millikan High in Long Beach, but one has to wonder if the victory will have a lasting effect on the boys from Calabasas.

See, Avalon won the semifinal encounter between the two, 8-7, on Tuesday.

But Viewpoint protested the result because the game wasn’t played on a regulation field. Southern Section officials agreed Wednesday, rescheduled the game and the Patriots (18-8) took care of business to advance to Saturday’s finals against Upland Christian (19-10) at UC Riverside.


‘The win was a little bittersweet because the way things happened the first time around,’’ Viewpoint coach Frank Pontello said. ‘But we knew if we were on a level playing field we could pull out a win. It’s unfortunate for Avalon, but this victory was justice for our team. The kids worked too hard all year, they deserved a fair shake.’’

Viewpoint jumped out to a 1-0 lead in the top of the first inning and then tacked on four more runs in the second when the Patriots sent 10 batters to the plate, highlighted by an RBI single from Jordan Kaplan and Michael Cameron. Not surprisingly, Avalon never recovered. The Lancers were unable to muster any momentum thereafter.

Ace Ben Salzman started the game but exited after three innings, a decision made by Pontello with an understanding of the Southern Section’s rule allowing a pitcher to go a maximum of 10 innings a week. Salzman made an appearance in Tuesday’s game and will be able to go five-plus innings in the title game, if need be.

Gil Brozki relieved Salzman on Thursday and did a good job, giving up three runs, two unearned, four hits and striking out two in four innings of work. His effort also helped Cameron, the Patriots’ No. 2 pitcher, who’s well rested now and can work six-plus innings against Upland Christian in a re-match of last year’s championship game.

‘The way this whole situation turned out, having to play three games in five days, is a bit frustrating. But hey, we’re in the finals, that’s all that matters,’’ Pontello said. ‘There’s no turning back now. What’s in the past is in the past. We’re looking forward to Upland Christian. Our kids are going to be fired up with rest, or without it.

-- Sean Ceglinsky
