
It’s another sad day in Irvine -- for each and every one of us


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Being the parent of high school athletes, the devastating news of young people dying during sports practices or games chills me to the marrow.

It happened again yesterday, when a 15-year-old Northwood football player collapsed during an afternoon practice on on his Irvine campus. There’s no indication of cause of death at this time.


The student has been identified as Dylan Bradshaw.

Last August, another Irvine-area student, 16-year-old Kenny Wilson of Beckman, died of heatstroke during football practice.

Our hearts go out to the families and friends of these young people whose promising lives were tragically cut short. If you have one of your own at home, give him or her a great big hug and say, ‘I love you.’

-- Bob Rohwer
