
Football: Let the debate begin


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The lobbying has begun for Tuesday’s meeting of the Northern Area representatives entrusted with developing new leagues for the 2010 season, with more than a half-dozen proposals submitted, and all are focused on what to do with St. Bonaventure and Oaks Christian for football.

Several of the proposals recommend putting St. Bonaventure and Oaks Christian in the same league for football only.


Oaks Christian has submitted a proposal to join the Marmonte League and switch places with Calabasas for football only. Oaks Christian has another proposal that it and St. Bonaventure join the Marmonte League for football only, creating a 10-team league that could be split into two divisions and add two more playoff spots for the Marmonte.

I like that 10-team/two-division idea. The Marmonte, of course, will scream that it doesn’t want any private schools in its public-school league. But the Marmonte is the likely destination for Oaks Christian because I don’t believe the Catholic Athletic Assn. is going to be willing to take in the Lions.

-- Eric Sondheimer
