
Football: Servite is waiting for a quarterback to emerge as starter


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Anaheim Servite was scheduled to begin practicing in pads on Friday, which could help determine who might be the starting quarterback.

Junior Neil Pau’u and sophomore Travis Waller continue to compete. Both have lots of athleticism and potential, but the main quality Coach Troy Thomas is looking for is someone to assume leadership of the offense.


His last two quarterbacks, Cody Pittman and Cody Fajardo, were players the Friars could count on to be tough and effective in pressure-filled games.

Pau’u and Waller must gain the confidence of teammates. Servite is loaded at the running back position, so the Friars don’t figure to rely much on their passing game early on. But the quarterback play has been critical to Servite’s success in recent years.

As for early impressions of the team, Thomas said, ‘We’ll know a lot more by the middle of next week. I do think we’ll be good. I like them a lot. They’re fun to coach.’

-- Eric Sondheimer
