
Garden Grove

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Cable TV Talks Stall:Cable television representatives and city officials failed to reach agreement Tuesday in their dispute over a rate increase, but the two sides decided to meet again next month for another try. The dispute centers on an Oct. 1 rate increase imposed by Rogers Cablesystems. The city responded by suing the Toronto-based firm, alleging breach of contract. Participants at Tuesday’s meeting at City Hall said the two sides shared information on the firm’s financial condition. Company officials have in the past cited financial hardships as the reason for the increase. Basic rates were increased from $9.95 to $11.95, while special services such as Home Box Office rose from $8.95 to $9.95. In addition, the monthly fee for extra outlets rose from $4.95 to $5.75. Councilman Milt Krieger, who attended the meeting, said that “until the negotiations are more defined,” the rate increase and other alleged contract violations should be settled in court.
