
The Testing of Botha’s Intentions


This is a moment of tragic disappointment in and about South Africa as the promise of compromise, dialogue and justice for the black majority has yielded to fresh violence, to a transparent propaganda campaign and to repression. A shadow of doubt has now been cast over the words of President Pieter W. Botha that were so hopefully expressed when the South African Parliament convened Jan. 25.

The disappointment must be particularly marked in Washington. Chester Crocker, the assistant secretary of state for Africa, had returned only last week from another visit to South Africa, reportedly reassured that President Reagan’s policy of “constructive engagement” was working. There is fresh evidence that it is not.

Treason charges are now being pressed against another half-dozen leaders of the United Democratic Front--a move that can only encourage more violence as it again deprives apartheid opponents of a peaceful, constructive alternative. There appears no room for dissent. In that case it is hard to grasp how Botha intends to initiate the dialogue that he has proposed with the blacks who make up the large majority of the population.


The government has implemented a propaganda campaign in the United States to try to stem the growing pressure for economic sanctions. There is a strong, persuasive case against the withdrawal of foreign investments, and that has been effectively made in recent days on a visit to the United States by Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi, chief minister of Kwazulu and one of South Africa’s most influential blacks. But the government has not been content to rely on presentations of the facts. It has distributed materials that include distortions of fact and incorrect information that seem basically intended to discredit such distinguished critics as Bishop Desmond Tutu, 1984 winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, and to distort the January visit to South Africa of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.).

The word and sincerity of South Africa’s president are now being tested. And “constructive engagement” as never before.
