
Dollar Ends Mixed in Hectic Trading

Associated Press

The dollar turned in a mixed performance in hectic trading on world foreign exchanges Friday as central banks intervened against the U.S. currency for a third straight day.

But analysts said trading had calmed down and that the dollar was showing considerable strength as a result of new signs of a healthy economy in the United States.

Gold prices also were mixed, ending the day with modest gains as the dollar gave ground, and continuing to recover from the 5 1/2-year low reached Monday.


Republic National Bank in New York said gold bullion was bid at $290 an ounce, up from $287.25 late Thursday but below the $295 bid of last Friday.

The dollar rose in the Far East and during early trading in Europe before central banks dumped as much as $1.5 billion on currency markets. The dollar then bounced up and down before drifting lower in quiet trading by day’s end.
