
Haydon Suffers Breathing Difficulty

United Press International

Artificial heart recipient Murray P. Haydon was returned to the coronary care unit Monday because of a breathing problem, but was in no apparent danger, a hospital spokesman said.

“Haydon has been placed on a respirator and is expected to remain in the coronary care unit for several days until his breathing returns to normal,” Humana Hospital Audubon spokesman Robert Irvine said. “Dr. (William C.) DeVries does not consider the condition to be life-threatening.”

Irvine said that Haydon, 58, who marked his first month of life with an artificial heart Sunday, remained in “serious” condition.


Haydon suffered an increasing amount of shortness of breath early Monday, apparently because of the many transfusions he received before the surgery to correct bleeding in his chest, Irvine said.
