
San Diego

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A Superior Court judge has ordered a preliminary injunction enjoining Rent-A-Car-Cheep from engaging in a variety of illegal business practices, it was announced Friday. Judge Mack P. Lovett ordered the injunction against the car rental firm in response to a civil complaint alleging false advertising and unfair and deceptive business practices filed jointly on Feb. 13 by the San Diego city attorney’s consumer fraud unit and the state attorney general’s office. On the same day, Superior Court Judge Milton Milkes ordered principals of Rent-A-Car-Cheep to post a bond for $7,500, representing losses claimed by alleged victims of the firm’s practices. The injunction ordered by Lovett is intended to ensure that Rent-A-Car-Cheep does not engage in “bait-and-switch” advertising tactics, overcharge customers for agreed-upon rates, alter the amount of deposits or charges on signed credit card imprints and other illegal practices.
