
‘Trade War’ With Japan

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The President’s men have returned from their trade negotiations with Japan. According to the news reports, Japan’s Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone has said he will continue the talks. Such mouthings from a Japanese government official sound very much like a repeat of the 1939-40-41 talks held between them and President Roosevelt, the last one of which went on even while Pearl Harbor was being bombed.

Nakasone is playing for time, just like Emperor Hirohito’s negotiators played for time in 1941. Nakasone and his bureaucratic leaders mean to win the war Japan lost in 1945. Make no mistake about it, the same ingredients are being mixed in the trade pot as were being mixed in the pre-Pacific War days. Japan means to win that war and they’re doing a good job. America is still sitting idly by, as was the case in 1941, while Japan milks us.

I urge every American to write his/her senator and congressperson demanding action against the lowering of the Japanese automobile import quotas. I urge every American to stop buying “Made in Japan” products. If you don’t, the American worker unemployment rate will skyrocket to a figure approximating that during the Great Depression of the 1930s.


The only American business organizations who are benefiting from this trade imbalance are the Japanese automobile dealers. Boycott those dealers and we will keep the Pacific War won. Continue to buy Japanese cars and Japan will have won that war--and that would be immoral and a sacrilege to all of those men and women whose blood, which was spilled over there, will never dry.


