
Culver City

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The City Council on Monday night approved an agreement with David M. Griffith & Associates Ltd., which will review the fees for various city services.

An increase may be necessary because Culver City is nearing the limits set by the Gann Initiative which, along with Proposition 13, restricts the amount of tax revenue that can be spent by a city in one year.

The council authorized $26,500 to cover the city’s share of the review.

The city has been awarded $2,500 by the National Organization on Disability.

Culver City won the prize for “initiating municipal programs (that) reform policies and practices in architecture, transportation and communication” for the handicpped. Culver City was one of 12 municipalities honored in the country and the only one in California.


The city’s committee on the disabled has ordered curb cuts and architectural changes to allow wheelchair users easier mobility and access to city buildings.

Presidential press secretary James S. Brady, who is confined to a wheelchair, is scheduled to present the award to Syd Kronenthal, Culver City’s director of human services, next week.
