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I found the producers’ moans about the scarcity of good new plays both laughable and maddening “The Boom in L.A. Theaters: Will It Turn Out to Be a Bust?,” by Barbara Isenberg, March 31).

Last year, I wrote personally to each of those very producers quoted in the article asking if they would like to have first crack at a Los Angeles production of my play “The Dolly.”

I enclosed in my letters review blurbs, all raves. (“The Dolly” was given a stunning production last year in San Francisco by the American Conservatory Theatre and has been nominated this year as Best Original Script in the Bay Area Critics Awards.)


Not one of those producers even bothered to extend the courtesy of a reply, let alone request to actually read the script. Where, then, are they looking for good new plays? Certainly not under their very noses. Maybe they need to take a closer look at the way they conduct their business.

Fortunately, Los Angeles has independent producers Dan Verdin and Steven Markus to thank for leaping into the area to bring you a production of “The Dolly,” coming soon.


Los Angeles
