
Reagan and Social Security

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Our President who is called the Great Communicator should have his title changed to the Great Prevaricator.

Many seniors supported his reelection because he promised not to touch Social Security. He admitted that the Social Security and Medicare trust funds can only be used for Social Security and Medicare outlays. He has further stated that Social Security did not cause the deficit nor would cutting it cure the deficit.

Now he tells us that a 2% cost-of-living increase is not breaking trust with the seniors. Who is he kidding? The Social Security and Medicare trust funds will have a surplus for 1985 of $6.2 billion, for 1986 it will rise to $13.1 billion, by 1990, $63.8 billion. The accumulated surplus could run into the trillions.


Could it be that the Administration is planning to use these funds to pay for the huge military outlays?


Los Angeles
