
Reagan’s Visit to Germany


Well here we are, 40 years after World War II, the government of Germany is totally different from what it was then, the Germans are now our allies, as is the state of Israel, when the Israelis are not sinking our ships in international waters that is, and still a political gesture results in a firestorm of squealing and breast-beating about past wrongs.

The question that keeps coming to my mind is, when the last Nazi dies of old age what scapegoat will the Jewish people use to try to excite international sympathy?

For myself, I can only say that the only thing that bores me more than present-day atrocities is past atrocities. However, I realize that they are just the ticket for whipping up the guilt feelings of everyone around, whether originally involved or not, as well as being just dandy for selling newspapers.


As a person not even born at the time all this occurred, my only wish is that they could keep it for home consumption or at the very least find someone to listen who cares--I, for one, don’t.


