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Times Staff Writer

Governor Scheduled a general news conference for Wednesday in Sacramento.

Will be the keynote speaker for the National Commemorative Committee of the 70th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on Saturday in Washington, D.C.

Senate Floor Action:

Speed Limit: Approved and sent to the Assembly on a 21-3 vote a resolution (SJR 4) by Sen. Jim Ellis (R-San Diego) asking Congress to enact legislation to allow state legislatures to raise the maximum 55 m.p.h. speed limit on selected freeways.

Miscellany Governor’s Prayer Breakfast: Actor and former Los Angeles Rams All-Pro football star Merlin Olsen is scheduled to be the featured speaker at the governor’s prayer breakfast this morning at the Sacramento Community Center. About 2,000 local and statewide leaders are expected to attend the annual event. Deukmejian will speak after Olsen.


Freberg Honored by Senate: Comedian Stan Freberg, a man best known for making funny commercials, was presented with a Senate resolution Monday praising him for 35 years of making people laugh. The resolution noted a 1954 Freberg record parodying the old “Dragnet” television show sold more than 900,000 copies in three weeks.

Oops! A governor’s proclamation declaring this week as “Secretaries Week” contained a typing error that got by both the secretary who typed it and the secretary who proofread it. The resolution concluded by emphasizing it is important for all “Californains” to recognize the contributions made by secretaries to society. “This is an imperfect world we live in,” said Deputy Press Secretary Bob Taylor.
