
Ample Financing Seen by Home Remodel Firms

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Buoyed by an anticipated ample supply of affordable consumer financing, 92% of the respondents to a remodeling poll conducted by the National Assn. of Home Builders rated the outlook “fair to good.”

The poll was conducted for the association’s National Remodelors Council. Respondents reported, however, that fly-by-night or less reputable firms, many of which are not licensed or trained, are damaging the image of the entire remodeling community.

Of those respondents whose most important operation is remodeling, 64% rated overall activity as “good” during the fourth quarter, while 32% reported it “fair” and only 4% rated it “poor,” compared to 91% who believe it will be “good” during the next six months.


Labor availability was rated “poor” by 17% of the remodelers and they reported that finding good employees, especially carpenters, is another problem area.
