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The Associated Press

A majority of Americans dislike abstract art and rarely visit art museums, and half oppose government subsidies to artists, a Media General-Associated Press poll indicates.

The nationwide telephone survey of 1,532 adult Americans found that 57% didn’t like abstract art and seven in 10 visited art museums less than once a year. Thirty-five percent said they never visit art museums, 27% never attend music concerts and 39% never attend live theater.

The poll said that 50% of Americans oppose government subsidies to artists, compared with 35% who support such subsidies. Fifteen percent are unsure. But when asked specifically, “Do you favor or oppose the purchase of art by local, state or national governments for use in public buildings?” six in 10 did approve of such purchases.


This year, government support of the arts is under close scrutiny. President Reagan has proposed slashing the 1986 spending authority of the National Endowment for the Arts by 11.7%, from $163.7 million to $144.5 million. The endowment, an independent federal agency, awarded about 5,000 grants totaling $149 million to artists and arts organizations last year.

Four in 10 respondents in the Media General-AP poll said the use of public funds to subsidize artists should be a lower priority of government, three in 10 said it should remain the same and one in 10 said it should be a higher priority.

When it comes to support for the arts, education and income also seem to mean a great deal.


Forty-five percent of those who make less than $20,000 a year say they never visit art museums, while only 21% of those who make more than $35,000 never go.

The wealthier and better-educated respondents were also more likely to support government subsidies for artists than the poorer and less educated. Education also made a difference in whether someone liked abstract art or not, but money didn’t matter--rich and poor dislike it equally.

Forty percent of those who make more than $35,000 a year support government subsidies for artists, while only 32% of those who make less than $20,000 support such subsidies. Nearly half of college graduates support subsidies versus only 32% of high school grads.


Four in 10 Democrats favored government subsidies compared with three in 10 Republicans, and nearly half of liberals favored subsidies as opposed to 30% of conservatives.

Forty-two percent of college graduates said they like abstract art, while only 32% of high school graduates like it. Among those who make more than $35,000 a year, 36% said they like abstract art; of those who make less than $20,000, 34% said they like it.

Seventeen percent of Americans say they visit art museums regularly, about every three to six months or more, the poll said. Thirty-six percent said they attend some form of musical concert that often, and 22% said they attend live theater once every three to six months or more.
