
First Black Woman Named Senate Aide to Sergeant-at-Arms

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Associated Press

Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole on Wednesday named a former aide to President Reagan as the Senate’s deputy sergeant-at-arms, making her the first black woman to serve in the high staff position.

Dole (R-Kan.) announced the choice of Trudi Morrison, former associate director of the White House Office of Public Liaison, to work with Sergeant-at-Arms Ernie Garcia.

The sergeant-at-arms supervises the Capitol Police force and many of the Senate administrative functions. The official also is the chief protocol officer of the Senate.


As deputy, Morrison will assist Garcia with his duties and serve in his absence, welcoming heads of state and other dignitaries.

A native of Denver, Morrison was graduated from Colorado State University and earned a law degree from George Washington University.

She worked as an assistant state’s attorney in Montgomery County, Md., and for the district attorney’s office in Denver.
