
Experts Provide a Sampling of Tips for Self-Promotion

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from The Washington Post

Marketing yourself, says Jeff Davidson, author of “Marketing Your Consulting and Professional Services,” requires a restructuring of thoughts, plans, even patterns of behavior. “You’ve got to develop an effective publicity plan.”

A sampling of self-promotion tips from Davidson and other experts:

--Goal-setting. “Decide what you want to achieve,” Davidson says, “and then plan your campaign toward that end.”

William Parkhurst, author of “How to Get Publicity,” advises, “Be realistic, be specific” and keep in mind your personality and your audience.


--Leveraging. Get the most action out of the fewest resources, Davidson advises. “In marketing your career, your practice or yourself, you don’t have to appeal to 1,000 people. There are 15, at most 20, people you need to know--the director of the association representing your field and its publications director; a mentor or two; the local editor of your newspaper; leaders of voluntary and community associations. . . .”

--Exposure. Speak before groups, volunteer, serve on boards. Get known across the broad spectrum of the community. Art Stevens, author of “The Persuasion Explosion,” advises self-promoters to write at least 10 articles a year for publication.

--Leaving your mark. “These days,” Stevens says, “almost everyone has a brochure. You need one, too, whether it’s your business card, newsletter or clever stationery.”


--Coining your own phrases. “Nothing seems to convey greater expertise to the public,” Stevens says, than identification with a particular slogan or word you’ve invented.

--Appearance. “It’s unfortunate that Hollywood and Madison Avenue dictate standards in terms of personal image,” Davidson says, “but being in a media society, people do respond to the well-dressed man or woman.”

--Sales knowledge and ability. “Everyone should read what salesmanship is all about,” Davidson says. “How does one overcome objections? The average sale is made after the prospect says ‘no’ six times.”
