
Consumer Debt in April Rises $8.27 Billion

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Associated Press

Americans took on $8.27 billion more in installment debt than they paid off in April, the government reported Friday.

The Federal Reserve Board said the April increase was just slightly less than the $8.34-billion increase recorded from February to March.

Both figures are seasonally adjusted.

Since last April, the total amount of consumer debt outstanding has risen from $400.1 billion to $485.2 billion--a 21.3% increase.


The credit report gave these details:

- Auto loans increased by $3.49 billion in April, up slightly from $3.39 billion in March.

- Cash loans from banks and other short- and medium-term personal debt rose by $2.44 billion, up from $2.33 billion in March.

- Revolving credit, including credit cards, showed an increase of $2.12 billion, down from the $2.6-billion increase recorded in March.
