
On-Site Home Sales Careers Furthered

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Two new firms are working to help builders answer one of their most troublesome questions--having built a good product, how does one find or teach sales personnel to move it?

Career Seekers, 1197 N. Tustin Ave., Anaheim, provides an electronic recruitment and resume referral service designed to match an individual’s skills and experience with an employer’s requirements.

Founder Reed Baker, former director of sales and marketing for M. J. Brock & Sons Inc., explained that, “for a modest subscription fee, we’ll put their resume in our computer files. When a prospective employer calls us for qualified referrals and it’s a position the member is interested in, we notify him immediately.” He stressed that the service is highly confidential.


Creative Sales Systems, 3488 Coast Highway, Dana Point, offers professional training for a builder’s on-site home sales personnel, to update and sharpen their skills. Its founder is Duffie Fryling, whose 20-year sales career with half a dozen major builders includes about 15,000 escrow closings.

The program includes a three-hour seminar-type staff presentation and one-on-one sessions with sales people at the project to which each is assigned--a method that founder Duffie Fryling says enables him to tailor his training to the particular project as well as to the sales person’s own personality.
