
Iran Delegation in Moscow to Discuss Technician Pullout

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Associated Press

An Iranian business delegation was in Moscow this week, apparently discussing the Soviet decision to withdraw technicians from Iran because of what Moscow said were security risks.

The official news agency Tass said Friday that the delegation was led by Ali Naghi Hamushi, president of Iran’s Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines. Tass said the delegation arrived Monday and left Friday.

Although Tass did not say talks were held on the decision to pull out an unspecified number of technicians working on joint projects in Iran, it is presumed the action was discussed.


The government newspaper Izvestia said Tuesday that Iranian officials have accused the Soviets of withdrawing with the aim of “creating difficulties” for Iran. It said Iran has suffered from an electricity shortage because of the departure of the Soviet technicians. There has been no report on the number of technicians withdrawing, where they worked or when this occurred.

capacity were put into operation in Iran with Soviet technical assistance.
