
Poll Finds Majority Confident of Reagan

United Press International

A majority of Americans questioned do not think President Reagan’s cancer surgery will hamper his ability to meet the demands of the office, according to a Gallup Poll published Sunday.

Gallup interviewed 753 adults by telephone Wednesday and Thursday for the poll, commissioned by Newsweek magazine. The poll had a margin of error of 4%.

Of those questioned, 57% were “not too concerned” or “not at all concerned” about Reagan’s abilities to do his job. Forty percent said they were “very concerned” or “fairly concerned.”


The poll found no significant change in public opinion since one taken before the 1984 election, when 43% expressed concern about Reagan’s ability to carry out his duties and 55% did not.

Reagan’s approval rate also has increased slightly since the surgery to 68%, up from 65% during the TWA hijacking crisis.
