
Mandela Daughter Gets Building Fund From U.S. Senators

United Press International

A daughter of South African black activists Nelson and Winnie Mandela received a check today from 14 senators for $6,750 to help pay for the reconstruction of her mother’s fire-bombed home and medical clinic.

Sen. Howard Metzenbaum (D-Ohio) presented the check to Zenani Mandela Dlamini, the Mandelas’ eldest daughter, at a news conference, saying “Americans of all political views have a deep sense of hurt and empathy” with the people of South Africa.

Metzenbaum said he and others “thought that we in the Senate (would) take some action which would be of a personal nature” to show concern. An earlier attempt to deliver a slightly lesser amount through the State Department was rejected by Winnie Mandela because of the U.S. policy of constructive engagement.
