
Talk Set on Eastern Europe Preservation Moves

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Preservation of historic monuments and urban centers in Poland and Estonia will be discussed by Paul Gleye, president of the Southern California chapter, Society of Architectural Historians, at the Gallery Theater in Barnsdall Park, 4804 Hollywood Blvd., Sept. 19 at 7:30 p.m.

Historic preservation in Poland has centered around reconstruction of destroyed monuments, such as the old city and the royal palace in Warsaw, while in Estonia, little damaged in World War II, it focuses more on its urban stock of 19th-Century wooden houses and numerous 18th-Century manor houses in the country.

The chapter’s announcement said that Polish and Estonian preservation movements face challenges similar to those in the United States, and that Gleye will address both the individual problems of each country and their common problems, suggesting lessons applicable to the United States.


Admission to the lecture is $3 and both chapter members and the public are invited. Advance reservations are not required. The chapter’s headquarters are in Hollyhock House, 4808 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles 90027.
