
Help in Paris

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Lucy Izon provided lots of good information in her July 21 column on Paris, but there are additional sources that we’d like to share. The French Government Tourist Office publishes a free brochure called “Guide for the Traveller in France 1985,” which is full of useful information. Also, a free little booklet, “Reservations d’Hotels 1984-1985,” a directory of Accueil de France offices in 36 French cities from Aix-les-Bains to Vichy. These offices have all manner of useful information. Another free book at the tourist office is “Logis et Auberges de France 1985,” with individual lodgings information, including detailed maps.

We’d like to share the discovery of a gem of a hotel and restaurant that just opened in May; it is neither in Paris nor inexpensive: Relais de Margaux, 33460 Margaux, telephone (56) 88-38-30, just a couple of kilometers from the Chateau Margaux under the gastronomic guidance of chef J. P. Male offers a feast for all the senses.


Woodland Hills
