
Studio, Allegedly Bought With Drug Funds, Is Seized

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A top California recording studio--The Plant in Sausalito--has been seized by federal drug enforcement agents because it allegedly was purchased with money from illegal drug trafficking, the U.S. attorney’s office in Sacramento said.

In an affidavit, the government says the Marin County studio--owned by Stanley Jaycox, 36, of Mill Valley--was bought with proceeds from the manufacture of Quaaludes and methamphetamines. The affidavit alleges Jaycox manufactured drugs in Sacramento between 1982 and 1984 and invested at least $300,000 from drug sales in the studio.

The facility, described by a government spokeswoman as “one of the top 10 recording studios in the United States,” was seized by members of the U.S. Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force.


The U.S. attorney’s office has filed a civil complaint seeking forfeiture of assets in the business. So far, three people have been convicted in the drug-making case.
