
Santa Ana : High-Priced Talkers to Debate at Festival

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Atlanta Mayor and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Andrew Young has been signed to debate another former U.N. ambassador, Jeane Kirkpatrick, in the main event of the Great American Talk Festival scheduled for Nov. 5 at Santa Ana High School.

The City Council approved a $13,000 contract Tuesday with Young, who will clash with Kirkpatrick on U.S. foreign policy in Mexico and Central America, although the discussions are also expected to cover other world events. Kirkpatrick is the more expensive talker at a fee of $20,000, which was approved last month.

Other contracted speakers include author John Naisbitt (“Megatrends”), who will speak for a fee of $15,000 the night after the debate, and actor Orson Welles, who will close out the event on Nov. 7. for $11,500.


Santa Ana is sponsoring the linguistic festival with the League of Women Voters, Rancho Santiago and Chapman colleges, the county Republican and Democratic parties and Sherman Clay Pianos, which will sponsor a two-day piano competition when the talking ends.
