
Seventh Game of Chess Match Ends in a Draw

United Press International

The seventh game in the world chess championship ended in a draw Saturday, bringing the score of the match to 4-3 in favor of champion Anatoly Karpov.

The Tass news agency said the two Soviet grandmasters agreed to a draw after challenger Gary Kasparov, playing white, made his 31st move. It was the second consecutive draw in the replay of the match.

The 22-year-old challenger won the first game in the match; Karpov won the fourth and fifth games. The second, third, sixth and seventh games were draws, each giving both players one-half point.


The series, which began Sept. 3, is being played under new rules which limits the match to 24 games. The first player to accumulate 12 1/2 points, or win six games, is declared the winner. In case of a tie, Karpov retains his title.

Last year’s match was canceled after 48 games that resulted in a record number of draws, which under the old rules did not give either player any points.

The moves:

Kasparov-Karpov 7: 1 d4 N-f6 2 c4 e6 3 N-c3 B-b4 4 N-f3 0-0 5 B-g5 d6 6 e3 Nb-d7 7 Q-c2 b6 8 B-d3 BXc3 check 9 bXc h6 10 B-h4 B-b7 11 N-d2 g5 12 B-g3 N-h5 13 Q-d1 N-g7 14 h4 f5 15 hXg hXg 16 f3 Q-e7 17 Q-b3 K-f7 18 0-0-0 R-h8 19 c5 dXc 20 N-c4 cXd 21 cXd f4 22 B-f2 N-h5 23 B-c2 fXe 24 BXe3 B-d5 25 Q-d3 Ra-g8 26 N-e5 check NXe5 27 dXe N-f4 28 BXf4 gXf 29 RXh8 RXh8 30 Q-g6 check K-f8 31 RXd5, draw.
