
Shultz Labels Communists ‘Colonialists’ : National Liberation Movements Will Beat Them, He Tells U.N.

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United Press International

Secetary of State George P. Shultz told the U.N. General Assembly today that national liberation movements will sweep away “the new colonialists” of communism in Asia and Latin America.

In a sweeping review of the world scene at the opening of the 40th Assembly debate, Shultz called on the Soviet Union to drop its propaganda campaign against the U.S. “Star Wars” missile defense system and to negotiate seriously on arms reductions at the Geneva talks.

Shultz will meet Wednesday with Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard A. Shevardnadze as they lay the groundwork for the November summit in Geneva between President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev.


Direct Negotiations

Shultz also called for direct negotiations between Israel and the Arab states this year as the only way to achieve peace in the region, and for the leftist Sandinista regime in Nicaragua to begin a direct dialogue with the rebel contra forces.

Shultz’s bluntest language came when he talked about the “new forces” in the world fighting against communism. He took the usual communist terminology about “national liberation” movements and “colonialism,” reversed them and warned the communists that they are on the losing side of history.

“The reality of the democratic revolution is also demonstrated by the rise of national liberation movements against communist colonialism: In Afghanistan, Cambodia, Angola and other lands, as in Nicaragua, people have organized in resistance to tyranny.

“Unlike the old European empires that came to accept the postwar reality of self-determination and national independence, the new colonialists are swimming against the tide of history. They are doomed to fail.”


No Mideast Progress

Shultz reported no progress in the American attempt to bring about a negotiated settlement in the Middle East but said direct talks between Israel and its neighbors are the only way to bring peace.

“There is no other way, and evasion of this reality only prolongs suffering and heightens dangers,” he said.

On disarmament matters, Shultz made no new proposals but said that progress in the Geneva talks has been slow because the Soviet side “has not negotiated with the responsiveness that the talks require.”
