
Legislature Uses Elephant Gun for Killing a Fly


Ruth Ryon’s article (Sept. 15) regarding the Disabled Housing Law is another example of the Legislature using an elephant gun to kill a fly.

Since it has been established that nationwide, 5% of the population has some sort of handicap--it hardly justifies actions that require 95% of the population to put up with the “housing modifications” to accommodate those 5%. And the costs will be astronomical!

If special interest groups would work for solutions instead of handouts--wanting the “government” to solve all their problems--someone could have seen that the logical solution is to provide a direct subsidy to the handicapped person when that person is in the home buying or renting process. This would provide funds to adapt the residence in question--not to require everything in the block/subdivision/city to be adapted.


Without all the bureaucracy involved to enforce this bill, direct aid would reach the handicapped without dilution--saving taxpayers time and money and better serving this important segment of society.


Redondo Beach
