
UCI: A Magnet for Excellence


When the UC Irvine campus opened in 1965, one of its major goals was to become a center for organizing knowledge and experimenting with new ideas in Orange County. Two exciting developments disclosed last week indicate how well the campus is doing in its effort to become a lodestar for learning projects of worldwide significance.

First, Dr. Arnold Beckman disclosed that the western headquarters of the National Academy of Sciences will be located across from UCI in a $20-million facility that he will underwrite on land being donated by the Irvine Co.

On Thursday, UCI disclosed that it was considering the creation of an international peace research institute on campus using as seed money $100,000 contributed by Thomas and Elizabeth Tierney of Newport Beach.


Both projects are in the development stage, but they point out how fortunate Orange County is to have UCI as a magnet--and residents like Beckman and the Tierneys who, in their dedication to humanity, so strongly promote scientific research and world peace.
