
The State - News from Oct. 29, 1985


Denying charges of racism, Israeli militant leader Rabbi Meir Kahane declared that Arabs living in Israel are a danger and should be removed--forcibly, if necessary. While Kahane spoke at San Francisco State University, 200 chanting students protested by carrying signs and shouting, “Palestine will be free.” At an airport news conference, the American-born rabbi, now an Israeli Parliament member, said that Arabs will soon outnumber Jews in Israel. Jewish leaders must decide soon whether they want a Jewish Zionist state or a Western democratic state, he said. “The Arabs of Israel don’t want to be Israelis,” Kahane said. “They want to take everything away from the Jews. I don’t hate Arabs, I love Jews. I just have the courage and audacity to say what other Jewish leaders won’t.” Bay Area Jewish leaders, in a statement, rejected Kahane as a political figure or spokesman for the Jewish people “until he renounces his bigoted program.”
