
Reagan Scheduled for Cancer Checkup

From A Times Staff Writer

President Reagan is scheduled to return to Bethesda Naval Medical Center Friday for what the White House said is the second of his regular, routine checkups following major cancer surgery in July.

A brief statement released by the White House press office said that Reagan will stop at the hospital on his way to Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland, for the weekend. He will undergo an abdominal examination, X-ray and blood tests. “Further information will be provided when available,” the statement said.

Administration officials, asserting doctor-patient privacy, have refused to release details of Reagan’s first post-operative visit on Sept. 20.


In an interview with the British Broadcasting Corp. Wednesday, Reagan repeated an earlier statement by his physicians that he has “had a 100% recovery.” He boasted that he is again riding horses regularly and lifting weights every day in a gymnasium set up for him in the White House.

On July 13, the President had a two-inch growth removed from his colon, along with two feet of lower intestine. Only weeks later, he had a patch of skin removed from his nose that doctors described as basal cell carcinoma, a common cancer that is not life threatening. A second section of skin with the same condition was removed from his nose earlier this month.
