
Natural Family Planning and Population Control


Hurrah! The Family of the Americas has been able to successfully enlighten the U.S. Agency for International Development on the effectiveness and advantages of Natural Family Planning.

As a teacher-counselor of Natural Family Planning for the past nine years, I take exception to the remarks made by Elaine Stansfield, director of Zero Population Growth (Letters, Oct. 14).

This victory will save the lives and health of millions of women and children in the developing nations around the world, not endanger them. Abstinence never killed anyone, the Pill and IUD have!


True, abstinence is required during the fertile phase of the woman’s cycle, but this is not half of the cycle!

A woman who uses Natural Family Planning does not have to be educated, just made aware of the natural mucous secretions, and sensations present around the time of ovulation.

When a couple becomes aware of the reproductive functioning of their bodies, and they understand the life-giving, procreative potential, they can decide to use or not to use that fertile time to have sexual relations.

The three elements necessary for conception to occur are an egg, sperm, and mucous capable of keeping the sperm alive and transporting the sperm to the egg.

Natural Family Planning has proven to be 99% plus effective in avoiding an unplanned pregnancy--when the rules are followed. Mechanical and chemical means do not come anywhere near that.

Discipline and self-control are human qualities that can be used by the uneducated as well as the educated.



Los Angeles
