
Israeli Spying on United States


I noted that The Times’ reports about Jonathan J. Pollard and his wife Anne Henderson-Pollard spying for Israel mentioned that the United States gave Israel $7 billion dollars in aid for 1985-1986. Perhaps we are not generous enough with our tax dollars because Israel only paid Pollard a mere $2,500 a month for spying services rendered. That indeed is a paltry sum when one considers what the Soviets paid John A. Walker Jr. and some of his family to spy for the Soviets.

If we could increase our financial aid to Israel, they could in turn pay their spies in this country higher wages and thus be able to hire more efficient spies who would not try to seek refuge in the Embassy of Israel, thus causing great embarrassment to the past and present governments of Israel.

Also by giving the Israelis greater financial aid they might become more grateful and better cooperate in our now expanding and doubtless continuing investigations of their various spy networks in this country.


Perhaps our two senators from California could propose legislation to increase our aid to Israel and thus help prevent any further embarrassing incidents to our “closest friend and ally in the Middle East” with whom we enjoy a “special, close relationship,” which may indeed prove to be even closer and more special than any of us ever would have thought!


La Jolla
