
Two More Victims of Refinery Blasts, Fire Die; Toll Now 5

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Two more victims of the Dec. 6 explosions and fire at Atlantic Richfield’s Carson refinery have died of burns, bringing the death total to five, a hospital spokeswoman said Saturday.

Eugene Martinez, 37, died Friday afternoon and Carl New, 47, died late Saturday morning, said Adelaide De La Cerda, a spokeswoman for County-USC Medical Center.

Both worked for Brown & Root USA Inc., a Houston-based engineering construction firm that was building a desulfurization unit near the site of the explosion.


The three others who lost their lives because of fire are Stanley Lawrence, 29, of Westminster, a Brown & Root employee who died the day after the fire, and Luther Booth, 51, of Harbor City, and Steve Snider, 20, of Stanton, two Arco employees killed in the initial blast.

Others burned critically in the fire remain stable, according to officials at the area hospitals where they are being treated.

The fire injured 42 in addition to the fatalities.
