
Bill Scott

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The article regarding Bill Scott (Dec. 1), who died Nov. 29, accurately reflected his accomplishments. However, he was so much more.

Bill was politically active and worked hard for his party and his candidates. He marched in Selma, Ala., and in Washington and not when it was popular to do so.

Bill was active in his church, both on a local and a diocesan level. He believed that church was more than Sunday morning. He was involved in every facet of the life of the congregation.


Bill was supportive and active in little and big theater. He helped to found and continued to work with a local theater group.

Bill gave comfort and succor to all people. On a regular basis, he wrote letters to men in prison. As a lay minister, he visited the sick and the troubled. He sponsored and supported children in other lands. In the Scott household, there was always an extra child or adult living there.

When Bill Scott supported a cause, he gave more than money. He never just lent his name to an organization; he worked for it. No job was too small or too dirty.


He was creative, bright, humorous, talented, loving, caring and a gentle man. He was my best friend and I shall miss him. I think you will miss him too.


