
Resale Prices of Lottery Tickets

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Where is the lottery money going? In days past, California Lottery announced it had sold 540 million ducats to date. There have only been a small handful of highly touted big winners. For the whole part, everyone considers themselves lucky just to win a measly two bucks now and then.

Isn’t it time for lottery officials to give us a complete financial disclosure, and that immediately following each new game? If John Q. isn’t winning, he at least deserves to know how these public funds are being dispersed. How much for administration, printing, distribution, sales commissions? How much for official’s salaries? How much for hype? More significant, how much interest returned on a $2-million winner who only receives $100,000 a year for twenty years? Most of us would be happy with just that alone.

Public financial disclosure, gentlemen, and printed in my morning newspaper where I can study it. I’d like a look at your secret accounting.


And no more stud poker, as with this new game. In other games you gave me six chances to win. This only only gives me five.


