
Baldwin-United said it signed a series of...

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Baldwin-United said it signed a series of interrelated settlement agreements clearing major obstacles to its Chapter 11 reorganization plan . . . The Treasury Department fined Equitable Bank of Baltimore $121,750 for failure to report currency transactions . . . Citgo announced that it is cutting its posted price for West Texas Intermediate crude oil, the major U.S. grade, by 75 cents a barrel to $27.25; Marathon Petroleum cut its posted prices for various grades of domestic crude by 50 cents to $1 a barrel . . . Matson’s 2.5% across-the-board rate increase filed with the Federal Maritime Commission, which was to be effective Jan. 1, has been suspended until July 1 and placed under investigation . . . Continental Airlines announced discount fares of $99 or less for flights anywhere in the United States and $65 or less for passengers 65 years and older, effective Jan. 7 through March 5 . . . United Airlines will add 30 flights a day to its schedule, primarily at its Chicago and Denver hubs, beginning Jan. 6 . . . Harold C. Simmons said his Amalgamated Sugar plans to solicit proxies for three seats on Sea-Land’s board; Simmons has said he seeks control of the company . . . Scripps-Howard Broadcasting completed its purchase of WXYZ-YV in Detroit from ABC and of WFTS-TV in Tampa, Fla., from Capital Cities Communications. Terms weren’t disclosed . . . PLM Financial Services completed the acquisition of PLM Railcar Maintenance for $9.25 million in cash and stock.
