
The State - News from Jan. 22, 1986


A chapter of the militant Jewish Defense League is being re-established in the San Francisco Bay Area, and police say they will be on guard against terrorism by the new group. “It’s definitely a group we’ll monitor because of their activities,” said Ron Tannehill of the San Jose police special investigations unit. “You’re talking about some violence that we don’t currently have in San Jose and that we don’t need.” The San Jose JDL chapter is being organized by Ed Kanterman, a Fremont maintenance man. Kanterman, 36, said one of the first activities of the group will be to train its new members to use semiautomatic weapons. “We don’t plan on going around toting guns,” he said. “The only way I can envision us really needing one is if we’re patrolling a synagogue that’s had trouble before.”
