
Patience, Suasion in South Africa

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From the dictates of white American history, people of color have been led to believe, that the only effective course toward freedom with equality was via nonviolence, patience and suasion.

Also stressed by the forces of evolution is that economic sanctions against human rights violators will not work, and if imposed, the adverse effects would be felt by Afro-Americans and Southern African blacks.

Further, referring to the consistent peaceful protest against an inhumane illegitimate, evil parasite as ritualistic demonstration, clearly illustrates an unparalleled moral deficiency.


For those of us, who have suffered and continue to endure the effects of American racism and South African apartheid, we say, enough is enough and that our struggle is not determined or dependent on what and how your perception of the methods we use to achieve change.

Whether it be evolution, Anglo-American and Afrikaner constructive engagement with non-substantive reforms, lawful protest or eventually the inevitable use of organized armed force, we will be free and our struggle will prevail.

Change is closer than you think. We, as a people, who have faced armed force while peacefully protesting wrongs, stand globally united, and are willing to win our freedom with whatever means necessary, and suffer the ultimate price in doing so, if need be.



Los Angeles
