
Art in Public Places: A Fine Idea


The Newport Beach City Council, at the request of the Chamber of Commerce, has given preliminary approval for a 1% increase in the city’s 8% hotel bed tax to raise revenues to help promote the city’s hotel industry.

The city’s Arts Commission wants one quarter of that money, about $96,250 of the additional $385,000 tax revenue that is expected to be generated each year, to purchase art for public places throughout the city. That’s a reasonable request.

Promoting art in public places has become a common practice in 19 states and dozens of cities and counties across the nation. In Orange County, Brea, Irvine and San Juan Capistrano either require or encourage sculpture, murals and other art in public places. Government leadership, and some funding, has become an accepted and desirable approach that is as proper an expenditure for government as are the community programs that provide parks, playgrounds and recreational activities.


Newport Beach has an art museum. But community life would be enriched even more if artworks were also scattered throughout the city so their beauty could be seen and enjoyed each day.

The $3 million in bed tax money that is expected to go into the city’s general fund this year is provided primarily by visitors. Using some of it for public art is a wonderful way to give something back to them, and the entire community.
