
Peres Sees U.S. Lesson for Kadafi : Says Libyan Knows Further Terrorism Would Be Risky

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Associated Press

Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres said today he believes Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi will be less supportive of terrorism after last week’s U.S. military action against Libya in the Gulf of Sidra.

Speaking to reporters after a meeting with Vice President George Bush, Peres said Kadafi has used Libya as a haven for terrorists “and was sure nobody would raise a finger of warning against him.

“Now he knows that if he’s spreading terror it may create some problems for him in his own country.”


Nonetheless, Peres called Kadafi the “most dangerous person in the world of today.”

Bush Invited

Peres, who is in the United States on a private visit, invited Bush to visit Israel and said Bush accepted. No date for the visit was set.

The prime minister called Israeli-U.S. relations “exceedingly friendly” and said the two nations have no serious disagreements.

Earlier, on his arrival here, Peres said he hopes the United States can find “new openings” for the stalled Middle East peace process.


Asked whether time was running out for new Arab-Israeli peace talks, Peres said he did not believe the peace process should be abandoned in the face of difficulties.

Alternatives Needed

“On the contrary. I think we have to look for ways and means and alternatives to continue the peace momentum. I don’t see anything else that is more promising and I do believe that if we think it out carefully, we may discover some new openings.”

Peres and U.S. officials have sought to respond to Jordanian King Hussein’s initiative to set up peace talks between Israel and a joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation. However, there has been no agreement yet on a Palestinian position and a delegation acceptable to all sides.


Peres said that one possibility for progress was building on the U.S. attempt to improve the lives of Palestinians living in West Bank and Gaza.

He said the United States and Israel have proposed plans “and we are going to compare notes. I believe the will is here and in Jerusalem equally to make the life of the Palestinians residing in the West Bank and Gaza as honorable and as free as we are able.”
