
South Pasadena : Recall Intent Announced

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South Pasadena City Council candidate William Mann has announced that he intends to launch a recall campaign against Councilman Robert Wagner, accusing him of publicly displaying a confidential letter last summer related to the firing of former Police Chief Samuel L. Buntyn. Mann alleged in an interview that Wagner showed him a letter of termination to Buntyn from City Manager John Bernardi, a charge denied by Wagner.

Mann also charged that Wagner used his office to harass a local newspaper by ordering building inspections aimed at uncovering code violations. Mann accused Wagner of sleeping through council meetings and of having a higher absentee record than his fellow council members. Mann added that Wagner’s support of three other council candidates represents a “blatant effort” to pack the council with political cronies.

Wagner, who is not up for reelection this year, is supporting candidates Jon Fasana, Christlena Lawton and James Hodge.


Wagner denied all but the last charge. Wagner, who is in the wine importing business and travels extensively, acknowledged that he has been absent more than his four colleagues since his election in 1984, but said his attendance was not significantly worse.

“It’s a politically contrived announcement,” Wagner said. “There are absolutely no bases for the allegations. I honestly believe Mann is trying to to detract from the candidates I support.”
