
Family Pleaded With Victim to Delay Trip

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From United Press International

Relatives of a Maryland woman killed with her mother and baby daughter by a bomb blast aboard a TWA jetliner pleaded with her to cancel the trip to Greece for fear of terrorist attacks, the woman’s father-in-law said today.

“We begged her to stay home, but she said she had to go,” said Warren Klug Sr., of Baltimore, whose daughter-in-law, Maria Stylian Klug, 25, of Annapolis, was one of four Americans killed by the explosion Wednesday.

The other victims were identified as Maria Klug’s 3-month-old daughter, Dimitra; her mother, Greek-born Dimitra Stylian, 52, also of Annapolis; and a Colombian-born U.S. citizen, Alberto Ospina, 37, of Stratford, Conn.


Retaliation, Restraint

Some grief-stricken relatives and friends of the victims reacted to reports the explosion may have been the work of terrorists by calling for U.S. retaliation, while others urged restraint.

“President Reagan has my vote. An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth,” said Walter Auger, who lives down the street from the Ospina home in Stratford.

The four victims were sucked from their seats of the TWA jetliner through a gaping hole left in the side of the plane by the explosion, which occurred at 15,000 feet over Greece.


Klug said he warned his daughter-in-law against traveling to the Mediterranean in the wake of the U.S.-Libyan conflict.

‘We’ll Be All Right’

“ ‘You know, Maria, it’s a hot spot over there and you shouldn’t be going,’ ” Klug said he told his son’s wife. “And she just said, ‘Oh well, we’ll be all right.’ She was just that type of girl. She wasn’t a worrier.”

But Klug said he was worried about terrorism and he wants the United States to do something about it.


“I just wish President Reagan would stop the terrorists instead of antagonizing them. It seems they’re just adding fuel to the fire instead of going over there and stopping them,” he said.

“We believe if you kill somebody, you should be killed. We believe if we find these people (who bombed the plane) they should be killed.”

Klug said the three went to Greece to settle some legal affairs dealing with the recent death of Stylian’s husband, Andreas.

Maria Klug’s husband, Warren Klug Jr., and her sister, Kathy Stylian, left Annapolis for Greece Wednesday, a relative said.
